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Top Degree Programs in International Relations

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Greatest Worldwide Reach

Understanding how cultures and customs are integrated into business, politics and society creates a great foundation for many professionals and students.

马会论坛's School of Communications offers programs covering a wide range of communication specialties. The curriculum integrates theory and practice, emphasizes experiential learning, promotes creative thinking and incorporates global learning experiences.

Digital technology is changing the means and modes of communication, and executives in many of today's organizations expect communications professionals to possess managerial expertise and strategic planning abilities to go along with technical knowledge. A graduate degree from the School of Communications at 马会论坛 can provide the edge needed to keep skills relevant.

Students and faculty work with lighting and cameras in the new sound stage.

Explore Our State-of-the-Art Facilities and Equipment

Students and faculty work with lighting and cameras in the new sound stage.

The School of Communications complex houses a state-of-the-art media production and education facility that meets industry standards and includes unique, first-in-the-region technologies and capabilities. Studio facilities include an audio and video production and recording suite, sound stage, workshop space, photography studio, gallery, animation, game design and video post-production labs, as well as flexible teaching spaces.

Graduate Certificates

Often appealing to adult learners wanting to earn education credit to aid in refocusing or advancing their careers.

Educating for Tomorrow

Preparing students for in-demand positions in the evolving marketplace.

Exceptional Standards

Ensuring education quality through 95+ years of accreditation.

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Top Degree Programs

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Graduate students in advertising and marketing learn to stay competitive through application of emerging technologies, understanding the influences of global cultures and developing socially responsible advertising strategies. Theory-based study enables students to anticipate and successfully engage in consumer trends, non-traditional media and new technologies.

Choose the SOC Graduate Program That's Right For You

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